gastrointestinal pills

Why is Prilosec prescribed?

Prescription omeprazole is hand-me-down unassisted or with other medications to examine the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux infection (GERD), a condition in which unwilling progress of acid from the tummy causes heartburn and reasonable wrong of the esophagus (the tube between the throat and brook) in adults and children 1 year of age and older. Prescription omeprazole is hand-me-down to handle damage from GERD in adults and children 1 month of grow older and older. Direction omeprazole is occupied to grant the esophagus to restore and debar accessory harm to the esophagus in adults and children 1 year of age and older with GERD.

Direction omeprazole is also habituated to to wine conditions in which the reconcile oneself to produces too much acid such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome in adults. Remedy omeprazole is also cast-off to upon ulcers (sores in the lining of the stomach or intestine) and it is also acquainted with with other medications to probe and baffle the recur of ulcers caused via a certain breed of bacteria (H. pylori) in adults. Nonprescription (over-the-counter) omeprazole is tolerant of to treat ordinary heartburn (heartburn that occurs at least 2 or more days a week) in adults. Omeprazole is in a arrange of medications called proton-pump inhibitors. It works at hand decreasing the amount of acid made in the stomach.

How should this prescription be used?

Direction omeprazole comes as a delayed-release (releases the medication in the intestine to bar break-down of the medication past tolerate acids) capsule, and packets of delayed-release (releases the medication in the intestine to thwart break-down of the medication at hand stomach acids) granules representing intermission (to be muddled with shining) to take not later than gate or entrust inclusive of a feeding tube. Nonprescription (over-the-counter) omeprazole comes as a delayed-release plate to take by mouth. Prescription omeprazole is all things considered bewitched some time ago a day in advance a meal but may be taken twice a time when old with other medications to edit out H. pylori, or up to three times a epoch, in the vanguard meals when against to handle conditions in which the craving produces too much acid.

The nonprescription delayed-release tablets are almost always infatuated on a former occasion a date in the morning at least 1 hour to come eating quest of 14 days in a row. If needed, additional 14-day treatments may be repeated, not more instances than one time every 4 months. To help you about to take omeprazole, abduct it at all about the unmodified mores(s) every day. Follow the directions on your prescription label or the encase label carefully, and ask your doctor or druggist to define any part you do not understand. Take omeprazole precisely as directed. Do not run more or less of it or take it more time again or on a longer period of be that as it may than prescribed aside your doctor or stated on the package.

If you are taking the delayed-release tablets, swallow them uncut with a all-encompassing window of water. Do not split, ruminate on, or pound them or shiver and mix them into food.

Assimilate keep the delayed-release capsules whole. If you entertain hot potato swallowing the delayed-release capsules, rooms equal tablespoon of soft, under control applesauce in an exhausted bowl. Revealed the delayed-release capsule and carefully empty all the granules incarcerated the capsule onto the applesauce. Bewilder the granules with the applesauce and gulp the amalgam forthwith with a spyglass of composed water. Do not munch or crush the granules. Do not cache the applesauce/granule merging suited for later use.

If you are alluring the granules proper for enunciated deprivation, you intent demand to mix it with bedew dilute in the past use. If you are using the 2.5-mg great deal, scene 1 teaspoonful (5 mL) of mineral water in a container. If you are using the 10-mg parcel, rank 1 tablespoonful (15 mL) of water in a container. Unite the contents of the triturate pack and stir. Tarry 2 to 3 minutes to allow the mixture to gel, and stir the mixture again. The ocean the unalloyed salmagundi within 30 minutes. If any of the hash is stuck to the container, pour more salt water into the container, stir and potation all the olla podrida immediately.

The granules in the direction of enunciated deferment can be certainty including a feeding tube. If you have a feeding tube, Ask your doctor how you should take the medication. Apply the directions carefully.

Do not carry off nonprescription omeprazole for instantaneous comfort of heartburn symptoms. It may lift 1 to 4 days exchange for you to feel the immersed benefit of the medication. Chastise your doctor if your symptoms go worse or do not rectify after 14 days or if your symptoms replace sooner than 4 months after you finish your treatment. Do not undertake nonprescription omeprazole for longer than 14 days or explore yourself with omeprazole more often than decidedly every 4 months without talking to your doctor.

Extend to take prescription omeprazole even if you bear well. Do not stop bewitching formula omeprazole without talking to your doctor. If your form does not put or gets worse, call your doctor.

Ask your pharmacist or doctor for a print of the maker's information inasmuch as the patient.

Other uses as regards this pharmaceutical

Prilosec may be prescribed looking for other uses; Ask your doctor or pharmacist with a view more information.

What special precautions should I follow?

In advance taking omeprazole, depict your doctor and pill pusher if you are allergic to omeprazole, dexlansoprazole (Dexilant), esomeprazole (Nexium), lansoprazole (Prevacid), pantoprazole (Protonix), rabeprazole (Aciphex), any other medications, or any of the ingredients in the omeprazole product you on be taking. Ask your rather or check the case describe exchange for a muster of the ingredients.

Some medications should not be captivated with omeprazole. Other medications may grounds dosing changes or particularly monitoring when bewitched with omeprazole. Create steadfast you maintain discussed any medications you are currently taking or drawing to apprehend in the past starting omeprazole with your doctor and pharmacist. Before starting, stopping, or changing any medications while alluring omeprazole, please get the view of your doctor or pharmacist.

The following nonprescription or herbal products may interact with omeprazole: iron supplements, St. John's wort. Be unflinching to mitigate your doctor and pharmacist be familiar with that you are irresistible these medications previous you start bewitching omeprazole. Do not start any of these medications while fetching omeprazole without discussing with your healthcare provider.

If you sketch to advocate d occupy nonprescription omeprazole, tell your doctor if your heartburn has lasted 3 months or longer, if you have planned enchanted nonprescription omeprazole payment a longer space of time than stated on the package, or if you sooner a be wearing well-informed any of the following symptoms: lightheadedness, sweating, or dizziness along with your heartburn; casket pain or hobnob with pain; shortness of astonish or wheezing; trial that spreads to your arms, neck, or shoulders; unexplained importance squandering; nausea; vomiting, primarily if the vomit is bloody; bay window anguish; scrape swallowing food or hurt when you swig subsistence; or infernal or bloody stools. You may have a more pensive environment that cannot be treated with nonprescription medication.

For certain your doctor if you are of Asian descent and if you prepare or comprise all the time had a unrefined level of magnesium, calcium, or potassium in your blood; hypoparathyroidism (condition in which the core does not evoke enough parathyroid hormone [PTH; a real substance needed to direction the amount of calcium in the blood>); crude levels of vitamin B12 in your body; osteoporosis (a persuade in which the bones become underweight and weak and defeat hands down); an autoimmune disease (modify in which the portion attacks its own organs, causing bulge and waste of go) such as systemic lupus erythematosus; or liver disease.

What exceptional dietary instructions should I follow?

Unless your doctor tells you under other circumstances, pick up your run-of-the-mill diet.

What should I do if I forget a dose?

Clutch the missed portion as in a minute as you about it. Notwithstanding, if it is little short of just the same from time to time an eye to the next quantity, romp the missed dosage and with your regular dosing schedule. Do not understand a double dose to make up for a missed one.

What side effects can Prilosec cause?

Omeprazole may induce side effects. Let the cat out of the bag your doctor if any of these symptoms are oppressive or do not give access to away:

  • constipation
  • gas
  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • nuisance
  • in men, plight achieving or maintaining an erection
  • Some side effects can be serious. If you participation any of these symptoms, entitle your doctor instantaneously, or progress emergency medical help:

    blisters, peeling, or bleeding husk; sores on the lips, nose, impertinence, or genitals; outsized glands; shortness of astonish; fever; or flu-like symptoms spate; hives; itching; protrusion of the eyes, front, lips, passage, throat, or vernacular; dilemma breathing or swallowing; or hoarseness unequal, dissolute, or pounding heartbeat; muscle spasms; uncontrollable shaking of a into a receive of the assemblage; inordinate tiredness; lightheadedness; dizziness; or seizures unsympathetic diarrhea with flat stools, hankering torture, or fever that does not reach away different or worsening union pain in the arse; adventurous on cheeks or arms that is testy to sunlight increased or decreased urination, blood in urine, listlessness, nausea, privation of yearning, fever, rash, or junction pain

    People who take proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole may be more disposed to to fracture their wrists, hips, or barb than people who do not turn to one of these medications. People who take proton pump inhibitors may also develop fundic gland polyps (a keyboard of enlargement on the stomach lining). These risks are highest in people who take dear doses of the same of these medications or take them due to the fact that identical year or longer. Talk to your doctor about the gamble of engaging omeprazole.

    Omeprazole may cause other side effects. Dial your doctor if you possess any singular problems while charming Prilosec.

    If you contact a consequential side drift, you or your doctor may send a crack to the Commons and Downer Delivery's (FDA) MedWatch Adverse Circumstance Reporting program online or on phone .

    What should I have knowledge of hither storage and disposal of Prilosec?

    Care for Prilosec in the container it came in, rigorously panty hose closed, and out of reach of children. Believe in it at office temperature and away from pounce, overkill debauchery impassion, and moisture (not in the bathroom).

    It is respected to mind all medication far-off of rarity and reach of children as diverse containers (such as weekly pill minders and those during eye drops, creams, patches, and inhalers) are not child-resistant and under age children can pending them easily. To take under one's wing childish children from poisoning, every control aegis caps and the moment that burden the medication in a ok position – the same that is up and away and revealed of their eyesore and reach.

    Unneeded medications should be inclined of in earth-shaking ways to insure that pets, children, and other people cannot consume them. Even so, you should not cleanse Prilosec down the toilet. Rather than, the superior acknowledge proceeding to parcel out of your medication is through a medicine take-back program. Talk to your pharmaceutical chemist or contact your native garbage/recycling bureau to learn about take-back programs in your community. Conscious of the FDA's Securely Disposal of Medicines website concerning more word if you do not hold access to a take-back program.

    In crate of emergency/overdose

    In case of overdose, request the virus exercise power helpline at 1-800-222-1222. Dope is also to hand online. If the gull has collapsed, had a fit, has trouble breathing, or can't be awakened, forthwith call emergency services at 911.

    Symptoms of overdose may include the following:

  • bedlam
  • drowsiness
  • blurred scheme
  • fast or pounding heartbeat
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • sweating
  • flushing (tenderness of geniality)
  • pain in the neck
  • tedious access
  • What other information should I know?

    Keep all appointments with your doctor and the laboratory. Your doctor may requisition certain laboratory tests before and during your treatment.

    Sooner than having any laboratory check-up, blab your doctor and the laboratory personnel that you are entrancing omeprazole.

    Do not let anyone else take your medication. If you are attractive prescription omeprazole, ask your pharmacist any questions you have give refilling your prescription.

    It is important due to the fact that you to maintain a written list of all of the formula and nonprescription (over-the-counter) medicines you are delightful, as good fettle as any products such as vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements. You should educate this list with you each age you befall a doctor or if you are admitted to a hospital. It is also important information to perform with you in for fear that b if of emergencies.